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The URBANopt Scenario Post-Processor requires Feature reports to aggregate results from Feature simulations. A reporting Measure is used to query and report specific output data from an Openstudio simulation of each Feature. The current default reporting Measure is the default_feature_reports. This Measure writes a default_feature_reports.json file containing information on all Features in the simulation. It also writes a default_feature_reports.csv containing timeseries data for all the Features.

Users can create their own OpenStudio reporting Measure to generate customized simulation reports. Users can request results for different reporting frequencies or query and report additional outputs that are important for their own projects(e.g. reporting specific construction costs). Users should refer to the current reporting Measure and this reporting measure writing guide to customize the current measure.rb file in default_feature_reports directory or create a new reporting Measure.

Initializing feature_report object and assigning information to its attributes

In this default reporting measure, a feature_report object is instantiated. Then information is retrieved from the Openstudio model and stored in this feature_report. In the example below a feature_report is initialized first. Then the openstudio model is acquired from the openstudio runner. Afterwards, the numberof timesteps per huour is retrieved from the openstudio model and assigned to the feature_report attribute (timestep_per_hour)

feature_report =

# get the last model
model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel
model = model.get

# get timestamp from model
timesteps_per_hour = model.getTimestep.numberOfTimestepsPerHour

# assign the model's retrieved timestamp per hour to the feature_report attribute (`timestep_per_hour`)
feature_report.timesteps_per_hour = timesteps_per_hour

Adding queried results to JSON feature reports:

Methods to query results from the output EnergyPlus sql file are also created and used to retrieve results and add them to the corresponding properties in the feature_report. In the example below, the sql_query and convert_units methods are used to query total_site_energy, convert units to kBtu and assign it to the total_site_energy attribute in the Feature report:

# sql_query method
def sql_query(runner, sql, report_name, query)
  val = nil
  result = sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble("SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' AND #{query}")
  if result.empty?
    runner.registerWarning("Query failed for #{report_name} and #{query}")
      val = result.get
    rescue StandardError
      val = nil
      runner.registerWarning('Query result.get failed')

# unit conversion method to apply unit conversion
def convert_units(value, from_units, to_units)
  value_converted = OpenStudio.convert(value, from_units, to_units)
  if value_converted.is_initialized
    value = value_converted.get
    @runner.registerError("Was not able to convert #{value} from #{from_units} to #{to_units}.")
    value = nil
  return value

# query total_site_energy from EnergyPlus sql file and add it to the feature reports
total_site_energy = sql_query(runner, sql_file, 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary', "TableName='Site and Source Energy' AND RowName='Total Site Energy' AND ColumnName='Total Energy'")
feature_report.reporting_periods[0].total_site_energy = convert_units(total_site_energy, 'GJ', 'kBtu')

After assigning all the required results to their Feature report attributes, the feature_report is converted to a hash using the to_hash method and saved as default_feature_reports.json file. This JSON file is saved in a default_feature_reort folder within the run directory for a feature.

# Converts to a Hash equivalent for JSON serialization
feature_report_hash = feature_report.to_hash

# save the 'default_feature_reports.json' file'default_feature_reports.json', 'w') do |f|
  f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(feature_report_hash)
  # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other
  rescue StandardError

Adding Timeseries results to CSV feature reports

Users can also query and add new timeseries results to CSV feature report files. OpenStudio API include methods to query timeseries data from the sql file. These methods are utilized to query timeseries reults of interest. The queried timeseries values are then converted to specified units and saved in the default_feature_eport.csv file. Below is a simplified example of this process where two requested timeseries names are added to the csv report (Electricity:Facility and Gas:Facility).

First, the requested timeseries names are defined. Then the sql_file.timeSeries and .get.values methods are invoked sequentially to get the timeseires values for each of the requested names (refer to OpenStudio API for further details on these methods).

In the next step the initial units are acquired using the .get.units methods and stored in old_unit variable, while the target units are specified and stored in new_units variable. Then unit conversion is performed using OpenStudio.convert method to convert all the timeseries values from the old units to the desired new units.

# timeseries we want to report
requested_timeseries_names = ['Electricity:Facility', 'Gas:Facility']

# all numeric timeseries values, transpose of CSV file (e.g. values[key_cnt] is column, values[key_cnt][i] is column and row)
values = []
# number of values in each timeseries
key_cnt = 0

# loop over requested timeseries
requested_timeseries_names.each_index do |i|
  timeseries_name = requested_timeseries_names[i]

  # get the actual timeseries
  ts = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd.to_s, reporting_frequency.to_s, timeseries_name)
  values[key_cnt] = ts.get.values

  # unit conversion
  old_unit = ts.get.units if ts.is_initialized
  # identify the target nits for the conversion
  if timeseries_name.include? 'Gas'
    new_unit = 'kBtu'
  elsif old_units.to_s = 'J'
    new_unit = 'kWh'
  # loop through each value and apply unit conversion
  os_vec = values[key_cnt]
  for i in 0..os_vec.length - 1
    unless new_unit == old_unit || !ts.is_initialized
      os_vec[i] = OpenStudio.convert(os_vec[i], old_unit, new_unit).get

These timeseries values can then be saved in a CSV file (default_feature_reports.csv) as the following:

# Save the 'default_feature_reports.csv' file'default_feature_reports.csv', 'w') do |file|
  (0...n).each do |l|
    line = []
    values.each_index do |j|
      line << values[j][l]

Adding the reporting measure to the OSW file

Users can then add any new reporting Measure to the OpenStudio workflow file, as described in the Adding your own Measures section, and re-run the simulation. The current Measure added to the base_workflow.osw is the default_feature_reports:

      "measure_dir_name": "default_feature_reports",
      "arguments": {
        "feature_id": null,
        "feature_name": null,
        "feature_type": null

The DefaultPostProcessor reads these Feature reports and aggregates them to create a ScenarioReport.

URBANopt, Copyright (c) 2019-2024, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other contributors. All rights reserved.