Linux Installation Instructions
As of version 1.0.0, an URBANopt™ installer (Ubuntu 18.04) is available to install the URBANopt CLI, Ruby, and OpenStudio SDK at the same time. If you’d rather install the dependencies manually, view the manual install section below.
For CLI usage examples, see our Getting Started page
Install with the URBANopt Installer
Download the desired version of the .deb package.
This will install to
directory. e.g.:/usr/local/urbanopt-cli-1.0.0/
To run the UrbanOpt CLI, first run the
script that generates environmental variables and stores these
in your home directory.
. ~/
- When launching new shell terminals, run
. ~/
to setup the environment.
Manual Install
Linux installation has not been tested exhaustively. Please submit a bug report via the Github issue page if you run into installation errors
- Install Ruby 3.2.2. We recommend using rbenv to manage and install Ruby
- Install rbenv on your system
- Install your desired Ruby version
- Do not forget the
rbenv init
step of rbenv installation - Once installed, you may check which versions of Ruby have been installed and which one is active with:
rbenv versions
- Set your current directory to use Ruby 3.2.2 with:
rbenv local 3.2.2
- Full documentation for rbenv can be found at the rbenv github site
Install Bundler version 2.4.10:
gem install bundler -v 2.4.10
Install OpenStudio 3.9.0
Add the
environment variable path pointing to OpenStudio Ruby location by pasting the following line into your.bash_profile
or similar file:export RUBYLIB=/usr/local/openstudio-X.X.X/Ruby
(where X.X.X is the OpenStudio version installed)
Install the URBANopt Command Line Interface (CLI):
gem install urbanopt-cli
URBANopt CLI Usage
View available CLI commands with:
uo --help
For detailed instructions, see the Getting Started page.
URBANopt Python Dependencies
The URBANopt CLI has integrated 3 python workflows: OpenDSS, DES, and DISCO. The following command will install python and pip as well as the python packages urbanopt-ditto-reader, geojson-modelica-translator, thermalnetwork, and nrel-disco.
uo install_python
The python installation path will be printed in the terminal once python is successfully installed; you may want to save this path for use in future troubleshooting.
DES Installation
The URBANopt CLI includes District Energy System (DES) support. This functionality is implemented in Python and Modelica and requires additional dependencies before use.
While the GeoJSON Modelica Translator will be installed automatically with the UO CLI install_python
command, follow the DES Installation Instructions to install additional dependencies related to this workflow.