class URBANopt::GeoJSON::Mapper

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

This class inherits from the MapperBase . Used to perform initializing functions, used to define the osw_path for baseline.osw for the URBANopt GeoJSON example project and the weather file.

# File lib/urbanopt/geojson/mapper_classes.rb, line 20
 def initialize
   @@instance_lock.synchronize do
     if @@osw.nil?
       osw_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'baseline.osw'), 'r') do |file|
         @@osw = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true)
       @@osw[:file_paths] << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../weather/')
       @@osw = OpenStudio::Extension.configure_osw(@@osw)

   # Creates an OpenStudio Workflow file for a given ScenarioBase object,
   # feature id and feature name.
   # [Parameters]
   # * +scenario+ - _Type:String_ - Used to define the Scenario for the osw.
   # * +feature_id+ - _Type:String/Number_ - Used to define the feature_id for
   #   which the osw is implemented.
   # * +feature_name+ - _Type:String_ - The name of the feature.
   # rubocop:disable Lint/NestedMethodDefinition
   def create_osw(scenario, feature_id, feature_name)
     # rubocop:enable Lint/NestedMethodDefinition
     # get the feature from the scenario's feature_file #:nodoc:
     feature_file = scenario.feature_file
     feature = feature_file.get_feature_by_id(feature_id)
     raise "Cannot find feature '#{feature_id}' in '#{scenario.geometry_file}'" if feature.nil?
     # deep clone of @@osw before we configure it #:nodoc:
     osw = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@@osw))
     osw[:name] = feature_name
     osw[:description] = feature_name
   # rubocop:disable Lint/ReturnInVoidContext
   return osw
  # rubocop:enable Lint/ReturnInVoidContext

Public Instance Methods

create_osw(scenario, feature_id, feature_name) click to toggle source

Creates an OpenStudio Workflow file for a given ScenarioBase object, feature id and feature name.

  • scenario - Type:String - Used to define the Scenario for the osw.

  • feature_id - Type:String/Number - Used to define the feature_id for which the osw is implemented.

  • feature_name - Type:String - The name of the feature.

rubocop:disable Lint/NestedMethodDefinition

# File lib/urbanopt/geojson/mapper_classes.rb, line 43
def create_osw(scenario, feature_id, feature_name)
  # rubocop:enable Lint/NestedMethodDefinition
  # get the feature from the scenario's feature_file #:nodoc:
  feature_file = scenario.feature_file
  feature = feature_file.get_feature_by_id(feature_id)
  raise "Cannot find feature '#{feature_id}' in '#{scenario.geometry_file}'" if feature.nil?
  # deep clone of @@osw before we configure it #:nodoc:
  osw = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@@osw))
  osw[:name] = feature_name
  osw[:description] = feature_name