system_design_parameter_def(object): Definition of System Design Parameters. (Version 0.1). Fields prefaced with [unused] in the description are placeholders (or informational) and are not actually connected in the GMT. Cannot contain additional properties.
buildings(array): Parameters for individual buildings.
time_period(integer): Time horizon for topology optimization.This parameter is used only if LCC is used as the cost function.
discount_rate(integer): Discount rate for topology optimization. This parameter is used only if LCC is used as the cost function.
convergence_criteria(integer): Convergence criteria used to indicate to the optimization algorithm when to stop. This could represent a number of iterations.
topology_def(object): [unused] Parameters associated with district topologies. Cannot contain additional properties.
configuration(string): Must be one of: ["Radial", "Ring", "Mesh", "Out and Back"].
cost_function_definition(object): [unused] Possible cost functions for the topology optimization problem. Cannot contain additional properties.
cost_function(string): Must be one of: ["Energy", "Life Cycle Cost", "Carbon Emissions"].
optimization_definition(object): [unused] Optimization approach for the topology optimization problem. Cannot contain additional properties.
optimization_approach(string): Must be one of: ["Black box", "Gradient-based"].
building_def(object): Specific parameters for each building.
One of
geojson_id(string, required): The GeoJSON ID as defined in the GeoJSON file.
load_model(string, required): Type of load model to use for the building. Must be one of: ["rc", "time_series", "time_series_massflow_temperature", "spawn"].
ets_model(string, required): Energy transfer station model. One side is connected to the district water loops and the other side is connected to the building water loops. Must be one of: ["Indirect Heating and Cooling", "Fifth Gen Heat Pump"].
pipe_location(string): [unused] Location of the pipe. Must be one of: ["Tunnel", "Buried"].
pipe_material(string): [unused] Pipe material (to be used for determining surface roughness) . Must be one of: ["Plastic", "Steel"].
district_system_def(object): Parameters associated with the district system. Cannot contain additional properties.
return_configuration(string): [unused] Type of return configuration for the overall district system. MW - not really needed. Just use pipes with supply/return. Must be one of: ["Direct Return", "Reverse Return"].
connection_configuration(string): [unused] Type of connection of buildings to the loop. Must be one of: ["Series", "Parallel"].
hydraulic_diameter(number): Hydraulic diameter of the distribution pipe.
insulation_thickness(number): Thickness of pipe insulation, used to compute R. If no insulation, use a virtual insulation layer of soil. Must be greater than zero.
insulation_conductivity(number): Heat conductivity of pipe insulation, used to compute R. If no insulation, use a virtual insulation layer of soil. Must be greater than zero.
diameter_ratio(number): The ratio of pipe outer diameter to pipe wall thickness.
roughness(number): Average height of pipe material surface asperities.
rho_cp(number): Volumetric heat capacity of the pipe wall material.
number_of_segments(integer): Number of axial pipe segments, used to discretize pipe models.
buried_depth(number): Pipes buried depth.
diesel_generator_parameters(object): Diesel generator parameters used by the microgrid model.
nominal_power_generation(number): Nominal power generation (W).
source_phase_shift(number): Phase shift angle of source (degrees).
electrical_grid_parameters(object): Electrical grid parameters used by the microgrid model.
frequency(number): Frequency (Hz). Default: 60.
source_rms_voltage(number): Root mean square (RMS) voltage of source (V).
source_phase_shift(number): Phase shift angle of source (degrees).
pv_parameters(object): Photovoltaic panel parameters used by the microgrid model.
net_surface_area(number, required): Net PV Surface Area (m2).
supply_water_temperature_building(number, required): Water supply temperature building side. (C). Default: 15.
chilled_water_supply_temp(number, required): Chilled water supply temperature. (C). Default: 5.
hot_water_supply_temp(number, required): Heating water supply temperature. (C). Default: 50.
cop_heat_pump_heating(number, required): COP of heat pump for heating water production. Default: 2.5.
cop_heat_pump_cooling(number, required): COP of heat pump for cooling water production. Default: 3.5.
ets_pump_flow_rate(number, required): Design volume flow rate of the ETS pump. (m3/s). Default: 0.0005.
ets_pump_head(number, required): Design head pressure of the ETS pump. (Pa). Default: 10000.
fan_design_flow_rate(number, required): Design volume flow rate of the load-side fan. (m3/s). Default: 0.25.
fan_design_head(number, required): Design head pressure of the load-side fan. (Pa). Default: 150.
soil_def(object): Soil properties for Ground Heat Exchanger sizing.
conductivity(number, required): The conductivity of the soil, in units of W/m-K. Default: 2.
rho_cp(number, required): The volumetric heat capacity of the soil, in units of J/m^3-K. Default: 2600000.
undisturbed_temp(number, required): The undisturbed average soil temperature, in units of degrees Celsius. Default: 15.
ghe_specific_params_def(object): The properties associated with each Ground Heat Exchanger instance.
ghe_id(string, required): Feature ID of GHE from GeoJSON Feature File.
borehole(object, required): Borehole properties for Ground Heat Exchanger sizing. Can contain additional properties.
buried_depth(number, required): The depth below the ground surface to the top of the borehole, in meters. Default: 1.2.
diameter(number, required): The diameter of the borehole, in meters. Default: 0.15.
number_of_boreholes(number): Number of boreholes on the site, determined from Thermal Network sizing.
length_of_boreholes(number): The length of the borehole (in meters), determined from Thermal Network sizing.
ghe_geometric_params(object, required): The length and width of the Ground Heat Exchanger determined from the GeoJSON Feature File.
length_of_ghe(number, required): Horizontal surface length allowed for the ground heat exchanger, in meters.
width_of_ghe(number, required): Horizontal surface width allowed for the ground heat exchanger, in meters.
pipe_def(object): Pipe properties for Ground Heat Exchanger sizing.
inner_diameter(number, required): The diameter of the inner pipe surface, in meters. Default: 0.0269.
outer_diameter(number, required): The diameter of the outer pipe surface, in meters. Minimum: 0. Default: 0.0334.
shank_spacing(number, required): The spacing between the U-tube legs, as referenced from outer surface of the pipes (i.e., not referenced from each pipes respective centerline), in meters. Minimum: 0. Default: 0.0277.
roughness(number, required): The surface roughness of the pipe, in meters. Minimum: 0. Default: 1e-06.
conductivity(number, required): The conductivity of the pipe material, in W/m-K. Minimum: 0. Default: 0.4.
rho_cp(number, required): The volumetric heat capacity of the pipe material, in J/m^3-K. Minimum: 0. Default: 1542000.
arrangement(string, required): Arrangement of the pipes. Must be one of: ["singleutube", "coaxial", "doubleutube"]. Default: "singleutube".
fluid_def(object): Fluid properties for Ground Heat Exchanger sizing.
fluid_name(string, required): Circulating fluid parameters for ground heat exchanger sizing. Must be one of: ["Water", "EthylAlcohol", "EthyleneGlycol", "MethylAlcohol", "PropyleneGlycol"]. Default: "Water".
concentration_percent(number, required): The concentration of circulation fluid in percent, from 0-60. Minimum: 0. Maximum: 60. Default: 0.
temperature(number, required): Average design fluid temperature at peak conditions, in C. Default: 20.
grout_def(object): Grout properties used for ground heat exchanger sizing.
simulation_def(object): Simulation parameters use for ground heat exchanger sizing.
num_months(integer, required): Length of ground heat exchanger sizing period, in months. Minimum: 0. Default: 240.
geometric_constraints_def(object): Geometric constraints for GHE and boreholes.
b_min(number, required): Minimum borehole-to-borehole spacing, in meters. Default: 3.
b_max(number, required): Maximum borehole-to-borehole spacing, in meters. Default: 10.
max_height(number, required): Maximum height, or depth, of each borehole heat exchanger, in meters. Default: 200.
min_height(number, required): Minimum height, or depth, of each borehole heat exchanger, in meters. Default: 100.
method(string, required): GHE sizing method. Must be one of: ["nearsquare", "rectangle"]. Default: "rectangle".
design_def(object): Design parameters used for GHE sizing.
method(string, required): Building load distribution method for Ground Heat Exchanger sizing. Must be one of: ["AREAPROPORTIONAL", "UPSTREAM"]. Default: "AREAPROPORTIONAL".
flow_rate(number, required): Nominal design mass flow rate, in l/s. Depending on whether the flow_type attribute is set to 'borehole' or 'system', this will be the nominal flow rate for either each borehole or the entire ground heat exchanger. Minimum: 0. Default: 0.3.
flow_type(string, required): Flow type for ground heat exchanger sizing. Must be one of: ["borehole", "system"]. Default: "borehole".
max_eft(number, required): Maximum heat pump entering fluid temperature used for ground heat exchanger sizing, in Celsius. Default: 35.
min_eft(number, required): Minimum heat pump entering fluid temperature used for ground heat exchanger sizing, in Celsius. Default: 5.
central_pump_parameters(object): Parameters for central pump.
pump_design_head(number, required): Measured in Pa.
pump_flow_rate(number, required): Design volume flow rate of the ambient loop pump. (m3/s). Default: 0.01.
fifth_generation(object): Fifth generation district parameters, for an ambient loop system.